Bungee Jump & Sling Shot
Enjoy the adrenaline rush from Korea’s highest Bungee Jump! (207 ft.)

Mar 22 2025, 8 am
Mar 22 2025, 8 am
- Sign-up Deadline: 19 March
- $75 per person includes one-time bungee jump & sling shot, transportation, and guide.
- Bring your own lunch or snack and extra money for purchase at rest stops
- Minimum 20 & maximum 40 sign-ups required
- Weight limit for both activities: 225 lbs
- Sign up at Casey Outdoor Recreation.
- Bus schedule: Hovey CAC, 8 am / Casey CAC, 8:15 am
* All participants must ride the MWR-provided bus.
* Subject to change without notice.
For more information, call DSN: 722-4643 or from cell: +82(0)50-3322-4643.
Registration Information
Outdoor Recreation
Military DSN (315)722-4642