Both ASAP and SHARP has collaborated in presenting a play entitled "WAKE UP"
May 4 2017, 9:30 am - 3 pm
May 4 2017, 9:30 am - 3 pm
The play features soldiers providing soldiers a visual training in the form of a play that depicts the consequences of alcohol abuse on one's decision making which leads to sexual assault. Also highlighted, are the rippling effects of one's choices and the impact on family, career and future; leading to suicide prevention, the battle's role in preventing/intervening in alcohol abuse and sexual assault, community resources and resiliency.
SHARP, CID, SJA and ASAP will expound on various aspects of the play in their perspective areas and will be available to answer questions.
Training will count toward 3rd quarter ASAP and SHARP training.
Registration Information
ASAP, Russell Jordan at 730-4144 or Russell.jordan1.civ@mail.mil
Thomas Russell at 730-3110 or Thomas.l.Russell.civ@mail.mil